In the world of high-stakes, high-significance business decisions, no one wants to end up in a scenario where needs go unmet or money is lost because of a lack of due diligence. But building consensus, assembling committees, and collecting approvals can be a time-consuming and exhausting process with dire consequences if done incorrectly. Scrap those ever-expanding to-do lists of emails and meetings for Macedon Technologies’ Stage and Gate solution so you can spend more of your time and energy on the high-value activities that grow your company.
Stage and Gate is a near turn-key, endlessly customizable system for guiding cases through your organization’s unique processes while enforcing quality standards and providing a high-quality audit trail. Stage and Gate applies to almost any industry, whether you’re a highly regulated healthcare organization requiring interdepartmental coordination and approval to get a new product to market, a manufacturing and shipping organization coordinating plans among fulfillment centers, or a sales organization working to get the best deals possible for your customers.
Stage and Gate’s endless customization opportunities can help you combine your organization’s various activities into a single, robust pipeline. Stages are the unique phases defined by your company’s needs and enforced by the system’s controls. Each stage contains a series of user-defined cross-functional activities to be completed in parallel. Stage and Gate allows you to upload and link documents, assign team members to roles, complete checklists, and track activity history as your work moves through each stage. Users will have the capability to nominate or move their cases through the process stages. Automate your process even further by setting time-based or action-based triggers.
Once all the required tasks for the current stage have been satisfactorily completed, Stage and Gate offers a variety of controls, or gates, to allow you to ensure all requirements are met, and all work meets your organization’s quality standards. Various gate options are available, such as asynchronous approvals that allow decision-makers like you to view all details associated with a project and make a decision from the comfort of your desk. If more collaboration is needed, the gate can act as a meeting tool, creating agendas, notifying relevant parties, and supporting repeated rounds of voting. Gates can be configured even further to meet your organization’s unique needs, including requiring majority or unanimous decisions, enforcing sequential and conditional approvals, automatic approvals based on user roles and assigned privileges, and detailed failure paths.
Take a bird’s eye view of your organization’s process health with Stage and Gate’s powerful data visualization tools. Gain insights into the number of open cases, average time spent in each stage, length of approval cycles, historical data, and more. Macedon Technologies can customize your Stage and Gate implementation to include more reports and auditing tools to increase organizational transparency and quickly assemble any necessary documentation for regulators or stakeholders.
Stage and Gate can make it simple whether you’re evaluating new products, applying for grants, implementing change management, or collecting approvals across multiple departments. With a suite of highly customizable options for stage requirements, gateway configurations, user roles, and data visualization, you spend less time scheduling meetings and sending emails and focusing more on what’s important to you and your business. Contact us today, and one of our specialists will provide you with more details.